Good morning (late morning, that is)! I woke up bright and early, went to Grand View and taught workout class and felt horrible. It's a headache + stomache + exhaustion kind of thing. I seriously think my body just needs rest, so I listened and came home. Today is a great day to relax, catch up on reading and homework (school and fun), and watch NetFlix. It is just the thing I need, I guess!
My appetite is awfully odd today, it's kind of poor so I won't be posting any exciting food today..what a bummer! But, today's post will still be fun! Last night I remembered how much I loved certain health related products and it motivated me to re-read a book and think of all of my favorite health related products! Enjoy!
1) DVDS/Books by Jillian Michaels. I have never found one I didn't like from her. I am close to owning all of her compilations and I love it! The one I started re-reading is Master Your Metabolism.
It is a goodie! It has helped me in the past with clean eating and it's going to help me get back on track again!
2) Garmin running watches. If you are a serious runner, think about getting a Garmin. It has helped me love running so much more. I don't have to worry about planning a route before I head out, I just run and my watch tells me my distance! And, another huge motivator is seeing the pace of my run, too. It definitely helps push me.
3) Other healthy living blogs. I love reading blogs about others practicing healthy living. Reading these blogs has given me more insight on different ideas regarding exercise, nutrition, etc. Plus, they're just fun to read! Here are my favorites:
4) Magazines. My favorites are Shape, Runner's World, Real Simple, Self, and Fitness. There are SO many different magazines that offer healthy topics. Check some out today! There are always more that I'm interested in checking into!
5) Dumbbells. I don't care what brand you get, but get a set of dumbbells below 5 pounds. While you're watching TV or stuck inside the house, you'll always be able to do some sort of exercise!
6) Ipods. Without music, I sometimes would have such a poor energy level during exercise. Upbeat music is the best to make a workout fly by! I have an Ipod Touch and then an armband to use during workouts, but I've heard the shuffles are just as great (especially since they clip on!)
7) Good workout attire. My favorite brands are Saucony (for shoes), Nike (running shorts, especially!), Old Navy (any of their gear is awesome..and totally inexpensive!), TekGear (I get this brand at Kohl's. It's inexpensive and 3/4 of my favorite tops and bottoms are this brand. I've had them forever, they're SO durable!)
8) Protein Powder. This is a big one, people are always looking for recommendations on this. My favorites are Muscle Pharm (I ordered from and Shakeology from Team Beachbody. They are on my favorites because they're low in sugar and have just the right amount of protein.
I hope these recommendations are all helpful! I know I always am interested in hearing other people's honest opinions about various items. It is sometimes very hard to decipher what is the best out there in a world full of options!
Lots of love and health,