Monday, February 18, 2013

Zucchini Noodle Sketti!

Back in the day when me and my siblings were little, we used to call spaghetti "sketti" for short. I mean, spaghetti is a hard word, okay?!

Spaghetti has always been one of my favorite italian dishes. I don't eat it very often because of the high carb and calorie content it entails. A substitution was likely to evolve!

Zucchini Noodle Sketti!

1 zucchini squash, peeled into shreds
1/4 cup mushrooms
1/2-3/4 cup of your favorite spaghetti sauce
1/4 cup mozzarella or parmesan cheese, reduced fat
1 tbsp olive oil

Saute zucchini and mushrooms in olive oil for about 7 minutes. Top with the sketti sauce and stir to warm through. Put in bowl and top with cheese. Enjoy! It's warm, comforting, and oh, so healthy!


Lots of love and health,

Jordan :)


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

25 Minute Treadmill Workout

Yesterday started with a rocky day, I woke up late and had to rush out of the house. Not sure what happened. We were up in the middle of the night with a sick puppy (Annie had eaten some rubber from one of her tennis balls and then barfed it up all joke). Annie is the type of dog that loves to chew. She often chews so quickly and ferociously that she eats part of the toy. So, in return she ends up heaving because her stomach is sensitive to random pieces of things, no wonder. She always feels so bad when she's throwing up, you oughta see her face!

Anyways, here is a fun treadmill workout (quick and simple) that you can pair with some strength training or a circuit workout or some abs for an all around good day!

Time (Minutes)

I did this one yesterday for a change up in my workout, I love alternating treadmill circuits. Sometimes treadmills can be so boring so this really helps!

Yesterday's log:

Treadmill Workout

Luna Bar (White Chocolate Macadamia)
Chicken/Veggie Soup + Apple + Carrots + String Cheese
Kashi Whole Grain Crackers

30 minute dog walk + 20 minutes strength training (with Tyler)

Blueberry Muffin (YUM)
Chicken/Veggie Stir Fry (I used zucchini, broccoli, mushrooms, water chestnuts, sugar snap peas, and peppers and flavored with vegetable broth and garlic powder!)
Kashi Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie for dessert (I had to enjoy this since I'm giving up sweets starting Wednesday!)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Meal Plan 2/11/13 (Clean Eating!)

Here is my meal plan for the week of 2/11/13! Pretty lame, I know, but I'm kinda low on groceries and I'm waiting to buy anything until I'm out of most everything in order to start fresh!

Monday: Stir-Fry (Shrimp + Vegetables + Vegetable Broth & Seasonings + Rice)
Tuesday: Chicken Breast + Rice and Vegetables
Wednesday: Chili
Thursday: Wing-It (I have night class..what a bummer on Valentine's Day, huh?!)
Friday: Wing-It (maybe go out for late Valentine's Day dinner?!)
Saturday: I'll be at a gala in Des Moines so I will plan to pack foods with me!
Sunday: Crock Pot Salsa Chicken over Rice

Happy Valentine's Day this week, too! These are the flowers I got last year! I hope you all have a special someone to share the day with (significant other, friend, family, pet, etc!) This year I have many Valentine's (Tyler, Annie, friends, and family!) So lucky!
Lots of love and health,

Do you give up something for lent?

Hello everyone! I hope you're all having a great weekend! We are getting ready to watch The Walking Dead season anyone else watching it?!

Also, update on my weight loss -- 3 pounds down! (155 to 152) YAHOO!

My next question for you all is if you're giving up anything for lent. You don't have to be Catholic to participate in lent (I am Catholic, though). I always try to give up something that poses a real challenge to me because that is the whole point. It's the least I can do to thank the lord for what I have today. I am giving up peanut butter and sweets. This is going to be TOUGH!! Tough is even an understatement, but I know with patience and power I can get through it. It will help me to lose more weight too because these are 2 of my trigger foods!

So, what are you giving up for lent? Follow me along (I'm sure I'll have to complain throughout this process about how hard it is!) Lent starts Wednesday!

Have a great week!

Lots of love and health,


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

HIIT To Get Fit!

This morning I got up again bright and early and went and taught Yoga at 5:15. It was a great wake up call! Afterwards, I headed over to Grand View to teach a class called Cross-HIIT. It's a mix of CrossFit and High Intensity Interval Training. I love it. It is such a challenge and I know others thoroughly enjoy it no matter how hard it gets!

               Here is today's workout:
    (Do as many times through in 30 minutes)
              Seriously, burned my abs!

Afterwards I needed some massive fuel (these are the days I'm always ravenous..I burn so much doing this workout it's insane! This morning's breakfast was just the solution! Large and In Charge Oatmeal Bowl!

Large & In Charge Oatmeal Bowl:
1/4 cup steel cut oats OR 1/2 cup quick cooking oats (I highly recommend steel cut. They are amazing. Be sure to think ahead/make them ahead because they have to simmer 25-30 minutes..sooo worth it)
1/2 banana (either cut into coins or mashed)
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1/4 cup canned pumpkin

Cook/warm up oats. With 30 seconds left, add the other ingredients. Mix up everything and make sure it's warm enough to your liking. Eat and enjoy. You will be full and satisfied for hours! I like to add a little cinnamon sometimes too! :)

I'm here at GV working the front desk and need to go shower and get ready for school..have a great day everyone!

Lots of love and health,

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pet Peeves

This morning I woke up bright and early at 4AM. This is my typical day since I teach class at 5:15. I took care of miss Annie and then headed out the door by 4:30. Class today was "Pure Cardio". We did cardio workouts for 1 minute each never repeating a workout. So, today's class was super fun and offered a lot of variety. I think they enjoyed it and the were definitely sweaty and red afterwards!

After class I came home and took Annie for a walk. I realized again what a pet peeve it is that so many people haven't scooped their sidewalks yet from the snow we got last week! Urr! It's so frustrating. It makes it really hard to walk Annie, I'm lucky I had my boots on. It always worries me in general because it just isn't safe for runners, walkers, etc. My neighborhood is really active and people are always out and about. Lately I've been seeing more people on the streets because the sidewalks aren't scooped...this just makes me angry! That is my pet peeve for the day..I just needed to vent! What are some of your pet peeves?

After Annie's walk, I came in and showered and prepared breakfast after. Today's breakfast was simple and delish!

Sweet Breakfast Sandwich:
*1 Brownberry Thin Bun (I recommend making sure they are 100% whole wheat. The first ingredient should be whole wheat flour!)
*1 Scrambled Egg
*1 Tbsp Strawberry Jelly (Mine's homemade..I really recommend making your own over buying store bought!)

While scrambling the egg, toast the bun. Spread the jelly on the bun and top with the scrambled egg. Delish!

The rest of my day will include studying for my test, teaching noon exercise classes at GV, school, teaching exercise class for Homesteader's Life, and then seeing my bestie for a walk and catch up sesh! It's going to be a GREAT day.

It's almost time for my morning snack..greek yogurt (I like Dannon Light 'N Fit) and 1 tbsp chia seeds! Yummm!

Lots of love and health!

Monday, February 4, 2013

No Better Day Than Today..

I am starting some major life changes today, yo!

A little throwback "gurr" pic to set the tone...;)

I have always been a healthy person (I exercise a ton, eat healthy foods, and sleep well) BUT at the same time, I struggle with overeating..I just sometimes don't pay attention to my intakes and overdo it in the calorie input. It's so easy to do!

So, in light of all of this I am going to get on the right track! No more overeating. Everything and I mean everything will be tracked in order to be aware of my calorie intake at all times. This is sometimes a little over obsessive but it's what I need in order to not overdo it. Based on my heavy exercising (I'm a group fitness instructor and I workout on my own as well), I will have a goal of 1600 calories per day to lose about 2 lbs per week. That will obviously vary depending on how my body wants to act per week, but no matter what I'm sticking to 1600. No foods are off limits, I just plan to eat healthfully and monitor my servings. This may sound easy, but it's not so easy for me or I wouldn't be doing this now. I have a love for food. I love to cook and bake and in return, I love to eat. I just need to find a new balance with food.

Join me week by week on this journey and expect some major motivation because I'm going to kill it! I want to inspire you all. As a future health professional, I need to be the type of person who has achieved these high levels of health in order to be one to tell others advice on how to do it!

I will post pictures and weight soon. I'm at school all day today, but will work on this all tonight! I can't wait to get started with all of you!

Jordan :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The 411 Meal & Workout Plan 2/4/13

Meal and Workout Plan Week of February 4, 2013
Caloric Goal: 1800 calories

Monday: Large salad with some sort of protein + Grapes
Tuesday: Crockpot Potato Soup (for Tyler) + Stirfry (for me)
Wednesday: Parmesan Mayo Salmon, Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Steamed Veggies
Thursday: Leftovers/Wing-It
Friday: Egg Quiche, Smoothies
Saturday: Wing-It
Sunday: Autumn Glazed Pork Chops, Salad
Monday: Cheeks & Obliques Class @ GV, Run on Treadmill, Walk Annie
Tuesday: Physio Class, Walk, GV Classes, Homesteader's Class, Run with Nadyne
Wednesday: Physio Class, GV Class, Homesteader's Class, Walk Annie
Thursday: Physio Class, Homesteader's Class, Walk Annie
Friday: Workout Video, Walk/Run with Annie
Saturday: Workout Video, Run
Sunday: Rest

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Your Guide to Grocery Shopping

My list of favorite foods will hopefully guide you to easy grocery shopping! These lists are not limited, they are just the foods I always have around my house!

Don't diet, eat healthy and the weight will take care of itself!

Bananas (Raw and frozen)
Frozen Berries
Frozen Peaches
Unsweetened Applesauce

Pumpkin (canned)
Zucchini (frozen)
Peas (frozen)
Corn (frozen)
Green Beans (fresh or canned (low sodium))
Brussel Sprouts (frozen)
Broccoli/Cauliflower (frozen)
Stir-Fry Veggies (frozen)
Sweet Potatoes (starch)
Regular Potatoes (starch)

Plain, Nonfat Greek Yogurt
Unsweetened Almond Milk (techically not dairy..;))
Low-Fat Cheese Sticks
Shredded Low-Fat Parmesan Cheese
Frozen Greek Yogurt (in replacement of ice cream!)

Whole Grains:
Steel Cut Oats
Whole Grain Bread (be sure to check ingredients and make sure it is 100% whole wheat!)
Brown Rice

Egg Whites
Protein Powder (MusclePharm brand is my favorite, I also like the 365 brand from Whole Foods)
Canned Tuna/Salmon
Lean Ground Beef
Beef Roasts

Shelf Stable/Snack Foods/Misc:
Tomatoes/Tomato Sauce/Tomato Paste
Beef/Chicken Broth
Soups (Campbell's Healthy, Amy's)
Natural Peanut Butter (the only ingredients should be peanuts and salt!)
Natural Almond Butter (the only ingredients should be almonds and salt!)
Dark Chocolate
Unsweetened cocoa powder
Healthy baking items (baking soda, baking powder, whole wheat flour, sugars, vanilla extract, etc)
Olive Oil
Pop Chips

Lots of love and health,
